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Husqvarna Automower evaluation part 6 – Stolen?

So far living with the Husqvarna Automower has been an overwhelmingly positive experience as I believe you’ll agree if you’ve watched all the previous videos. However one element of ownership provides me cause for concern.

Fűnyírónövelő emelő

The whole concept of an autonomous robotic lawnmower is that it roams around your garden on its own. It’s quite unusual though, perhaps unique, to have such an costly piece of tech hardware that’s so vulnerable as well as subjected to prospective theft like this.

So have Husqvarna not believed about this already? Well after 21 years creating robot mowers they have a number of anti-theft strategies for their machines…

Van -e lopási riasztás az Automower -nek?
Igen. Automower has a number of theft security systems that may be activated. most important: Automower cannot be utilized without the personal PIN code. The installation lock avoids Automower from working on any type of other installation than your own. the time lock requests your four-digit PIN to be went into at an interval decided by yourself. The alarm needs the PIN code to be went into when Automower is stopped – or an audio alarm will go off. Also, the GPS communication system includes a GPS tracker offered as accessory for most models.


Breaking those down, the very first line of support is a siren / alarm that seems if the mower is lifted. To turn this on set the security choice to HIGH from the control panel.

While it’s shrill it’s not that loud as well as I doubt it would put off many thieves – who even takes notice of cars and truck alarms these days, as well as they’re much louder.

You likewise get an alert on your smartphone when you mower detects that it’s been lifted however my iphone is set to ‘do not disturb’ when I’m asleep so if it was stolen at night I wouldn’t even get the alert up until it was long gone as well as if I was away from house there wouldn’t be much I might do either.


If you have the 450X or a 430X, 420, 330X or 320 with the optional Connect Hardware fitted then you can take your mower to the centre of your residential property as well as set a geofence from the manage panel. Once this is configuration you’ll receive notification when the machine is moved outside of your property.

We tested this as well as from the time we drove off with our Automower in the cars and truck it took a full 10 minutes before we got an alert on the phone (there’s an email as well – see below). We might have been miles away. It likewise wouldn’t be difficult to put the machine in a metal box that would render the GPS as well as Cellular radio useless.

Pin / letiltva

If your machine is reported as stolen to Husqvarna then they will black-list it, disabling it from being paired with any type of new charging dock in the future.

If the robotic lawnmower is stolen, it is important to notify Husqvarna AB of this. get in touch with your regional dealership as well as provide the product’s serial number to ensure that it can be registered as stolen in an worldwide database. This is an important step in the robotic lawnmower’s theft security which reduces rate of interest in the buying as well as selling of stolen robotic lawnmowers.

I believe this is the least convincing of all the anti-theft functions. understanding that the scumbag that stole your Automower can’t utilize it is chilly comfort.

And eventually none of the above would truly protect against somebody just taking the mower for badness or vandalism. The kind of twit that takes a super market trolly as well as throws it in a river for ‘fun’.

Tehát mit tehetsz?

To minimise danger you might choose to only run your machine when it’s dark as well as unlikely to be spotted. additionally you may feel that it’s at most danger at night as well as set it up to cut only during daylight hours. Our dealership has told us rather a few of his older clients don’t even utilize the timer function, preferring to kick the machine off manually only when they are around.

Téves riasztás?

Then once again perhaps this is all in my mind. I asked Husqvarna for some difficult figures regarding the theft of their machines around Europe as well as they replied…

We do not normally disclose this info other than it is a extremely low figure.

If it was a extremely low figure then surely you’d want to share that number?

Either method it’s something you’re going to want to add to your house insurance coverage policy (watch out for any type of little print that excludes robot mowers).

So here’s the sixth part of our video evaluation series, where you can have a listen to that alarm as well as see the security choices (please like, share as well as subscribe)…


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Ügyeljen arra, hogy ellenőrizze a videóértékelési sorozat mind a 8 részét …

1. rész – A robotok jönnek

2. rész – Az 1. vágás a legmélyebb

3. rész – Tökéletes időzítés

4. rész – Linkvezérlés

5. rész – Eső vagy ragyog

6. rész – ellopták?

7. rész – Összezavarodtam

8. rész – Tesla a kertjéhez

www.automowerchallenge.co.uk: husqvarna.com

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Utolsó frissítés a 2021-10-04-en / affiliate linkek / képek az Amazon termékmarketing API-ból

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